Homi Makelaars


That’s what we like to be: Your number 1. And we work hard for that. Homi breaks with the standard approach in traditional real estate. We combine passion with a dose of professional knowledge and make a real estate agent personal again.

But yes, we would like you to experience this and more for yourself! Homi Makelaars, your no. 1 real estate agent in Roosendaal and the surrounding area.


René de Boom
Een verfrissende en enthousiaste makelaar.
Een enkele bezichtiging was al genoeg om alles voor de verkoop van mijn huis in gang te zetten. Met haar kennis en betrokkenheid maar bovenal haar vrolijk karakter heeft zij de hele verkoop op een uitstekende wijze afgehandeld. Bedankt Diewertje !
Robbert Baartmans
Zeer goed geholpen en leuke bezichtiging gehad met makelaar Dieuwertje!
Ze is hoe voorbereid en weet waar ze het over heeft. Erg betrokken bij de koop van onze droomwoning! Er waren wat plooien die recht getrokken moesten worden voordat de overdracht plaats kon vinden. Hierin zijn wij zeer goed geholpen door Dieuwertje en de notaris! Mede door hun wonen we nu in onze prachtige woning!
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Buying, selling or renting a home in Etten-Leur?

We are happy to help you with your dream home in Etten-Leur. But is your dream house in Oudenbosch or Sint Willebrord, for example? We are also happy to help you. We put our efforts into finding your dream home or selling your  with the best deal. And how about finding a suitable tenant for your property? These are all matters that you can leave to us. All you have to do is sign the rental agreement. Sounds good, right? Whether you want to buy, a home, or want to sellor rent: Dieuwertje helps you from A to Z.a

Want to stay up to date on our latest housing offerings?

In this overstrained housing market, it can be difficult to find a home that meets your needs and is still available. By signing up for our housing offer, you will receive an email as soon as new homes go on sale. Even before these are on Funda.

More about us

Behind Dieuwertje is an ambitious marketing team. Our team is specialized in the field of advertising in the real estate sector. They provide a tailor-made marketing strategy, allowing us to achieve the best results for your home. Benieuwd naar het team dat Dieuwertje helpt? Click here to meet our marketing team!

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